Saturday, February 25, 2012


I'm exhausted. 50 hours of work + 12 hours of campaigning + 5 hours of exercise not to mention picking the house up and cooking...I am pooped. I spent the morning campaigning at a rally today...Ron Paul came to OKC and I got to shake his hand! How cool. I'll put that at top 5 of the coolest life experiences list.

I had someone watch the store for the 4 hours I was gone, otherwise this would have been the usual 54 hour workweek!

2 whole eggs
1 bagel
1/4 c shredded cheese


4oz lean ground turkey
Hand full of raisins

I am about to eat dinner, not so sure what that will be. I am contemplating on making a healthy rendition of pizza or tacos again...but I am so tired I just don't think I have it in me! The wind blew extremely hard all day, it wore me down...and I stink, literally!

I really just want to relax my mind and try not to think too hard. I'm tired of thinking and quite honestly, tired of being around illogical people.

I'm not tempted to eat any junkie foods, so I shouldn't tonight. Maybe I'll poke around on pinterest until I find an easy and fast recipe...but I'd almost rather just make a plate of eggs again!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday & Lent

Yeah, it is the first Friday of Lent and I packed a meat lunch. Geez, Breanne. It isn't as if I am the best Catholic anyway, let's be honest I sin more than......someone who doesn't sin? I wanted that to be way more clever and it just wasn't.

4egg whites 1 whole egg (added the egg to fill my belly)
2 pieces ezekiel toast
1 tbsp honey

1 scoop whey

1 tbsp peanut butter (debating on what to eat, eat meat, don't eat meat, if no meat then what? Subway, pizza? Hmm..what to do...)

I ate the meat.
4oz lean ground turkey
1 c spinach
1/2 tbsp safflower oil


Grilled chicken salad
with 1/8-1/4C Honey mustard
8 crackers

1/2 can of beer

I did 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill before breakfast. Spent the evening decorating my Ron Paul signs & with friends.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hungry Hungry Thursday

3 egg whites 1 whole egg
2 pieces ezekiel toast
1 tbsp honey (raw)
coffee, milk, splenda

2 scoops protein powder

1/2 c brown rice
1 c lean ground turkey
1 c green beans

1 piece ezekiel toast
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 scoops protein powder


4-6oz turkey I didn't measure
2 tbsp barbecue sauce (sugary I know)
1C spinach 1/2 tbsp safflower oil


Straight arm pull down 3x20 tripleset
tricep push down bar 3 x20
walking lunge 3 x20

chest fly 3 x20 superset
3x15 pop squats

leg press 3 x20 superset
3x20 up n overs

stiff legged deadlift 3x20

shoulder raise (lateral) 3x15

Bicep curl 3x15 superset
scissor kicks

30 min elliptical

I have been super-starving today too. What is the dealy-o? Maybe my metabolism has just really kicked off? Eating small meals multiple times a day must be re-starting my fat burning cycle. I do feel a little tighter (probably the expelling of some water). They key is to not let myself get too hungry, because when I do I turn into a monster & want to devour anything in site. RAWRRR.


Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, for Catholics, a day of fasting and not eating meat. A time of prayer, and reflection. I'm not the best Catholic, and many Catholics that actively do not practice all parameters of their faith, most often still respect the lenten holiday.

3 egg whites 1 egg
2 pieces ezekiel toast
1 tbsp honey
coffee, skim milk, splenda

1 scoop whey 1 scoop protein powder (blend)

1 piece ezekiel bread with
1tbsp peanut butter

1 piece ezekiel bread with
1 tbsp peanut butter


1 ezekiel tortilla with a bit of meat
1/2 peanut butter banana sandwich (ezekial bread)

I was SO hungry, like, starving. I know I wasn't supposed to eat meat, I didn't eat much, I had just felt so ravished and I didn't go to mass anyway. I am a horrible Catholic. Looking at what I ate for the day it doesn't seem like I left out any food but man, I can't stress how hungry I was! I get really irritable and cranky. I also was challenged with pizza in front of my face at a time when I was feeling very vulnerable because of the hunger pangs, but I resisted.

No workout, I was doing some campaign stuff. I know, that means I need to probably work out this weekend to make up for it. grrr.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 2 Day 2


The usual everything for breakfasts, snacks, and lunch. I'm in a pretty firm routine.

I didn't have a post workout apple.

Dinner was left over spaghetti squash, a grapefruit and I stayed up extra late so I also ate 2oz cheese.

1 hr elliptical cardio

I feel like I might be coming down with something so I've been ingesting lots of green tea and emergen-C tabs. I made a lot of campaign calls and it really put me in a crummy mood. Talking to a lot of hateful people made me really sad about what our world has come to. :( I just need to burn some steam.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Breakfast (the usual)
3 egg whites 1 whole egg
2 pieces Ezekiel toast
1/2 Tbsp raw honey
coffee w/ milk and splenda

2 scoops protein powder

4oz chicken grilled & marinated
1C mushrooms and broccoli cooked with tamari
1 small apple

Snack (pre workout)
2 scoops whey
2 tbsp peanut butter

I'm feeling pretty hungry this afternoon. I had had some traffic today but it is easy to think I am hungry when I am so bored. I've been trying to fill my stomach with water and tea, usually that helps. I think my chicken portion could have been bigger at lunch, it just went right through me!

Post Workout
Handful of grapes

1/4 Spaghetti Squash (no noodles!)
1C. of beef sauce

I made the sauce myself using:
  • 1lb grass fed beef
  • 1 C. mushrooms
  • Fresh rosemary
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/8 cup of safflower oil
  • 1 can organic tomatoes (1lb can)
  • 2 fresh organic roma tomatoes
  • Dash of splenda
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Fresh Parsley


Flat bench press 3x20 superset
walking lunges 3 x20

Lat pull down 3x20 superset
up n' overs 3 x20 (plyometric movement on a bench)

Incline bench press with dumbbells 3x15 superset
step ups on bench 3x20 (10 ea leg)

Bent Over Row w/ EZ Curl 3x20

Overhead tricep extension w/ rope 3x15 tripleset
tricep extension w/ rope 3x15 (oooeee triceps burning)
walking lunges 3x20

Military shoulder press 3x10 (my shoulders were pooped from chest, these were difficult)

30 min elliptical


Usually on the weekends I indulge with something like; pizza on Friday night, cookies on Saturday, and a big lunch on Sunday. But this Sunday was different. I didn't measure out my food, I just ate reasonable things.

Breakfast was pretty late so we will call it brunch. I enjoyed sleeping in the extra hours by the way.

Burritos using Ezkeiel tortillas (2)
couple whole eggs
2 pieces bacon
avocado sauce that the boyfriend made (it was sooo good!)
coffee with skim milk and splenda

I did a bunch of cleaning house and grocery shopping and didn't eat again until dinner.

Fajitas made with Ezekiel tortillas and beef (2)
salsa, sour cream, onions and peppers grilled in oil & spices
and brown rice about 1 C

I feel like I need to throw this out there, I didn't eat all of that is pictured by myself! I also nibbled on a few grapes and an oz or 2 of cheese.

Later, after dinner, I experimented with something I saw off pinterest. I took a can of coconut milk (after it had chilled) and I whipped it using an electric beater. I added a dash of cinnamon and a packet of sugar free cheesecake flavored instant pudding. It made a whipped cream like texture. I tasted the batter and it was really rich! I didn't eat too much of it, just a few tastes. I then thought 'Ice cream', so it has been freezing over night. We will see how that turns out, but coconut milk is high in fat and calories (700 cal per can! yowza)

It was Sunday so no workout.

I spent the rest of the evening preparing a few meals for the week.